PlanB News
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November 9, 2010

Plan B logo refresh

Over the years Plan B has stuck pretty closely to the logo that was originally created for the band by Mark Storm in the early 80's (see the images below). The design was created to look a log like a blueprint with three figures playing brass instruments lounging on various parts of the logotype.

When the band reformed in 2009 the logo was retraced in Adobe Illustrator and the figures in caps replaced with images of iconic Australian animals playing brass instruments. It was decided because the band was to be playing mainly over seas that animals easily recognizable as Australian would help identify the band as an international act (from Australia).

With the upcoming tour it was decided to again refresh the logo. This time one of Australia's premier illustrators Chris Wahl was commissioned to draw the animals. As part of the design process it was decided to swap-out the trombone playing emu with that of a platypus.

Let us know what you think of the final result. Also be sure to grab a TShirt at one of our shows :)

PlanB's logo in the 80's

PlanB's logo refreshed for 2009

Latest version of logo with illustrated fauna.